
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What The Fluff??!

Part I: how we started
I know what you’re thinking…..ugh ANOTHER post about cloth diapers….but hang in there with me!
Flash back to a few years ago, when I was just starting to think about having kids. A good friend of mine had a baby boy, and had decided to Cloth Diaper. When she first told me, I’m sure I rolled my eyes. I pictured cotton flats, rubber pants, and diaper pins. She tried to show me how Modern Cloth was different, and while I looked and “listened”, I remember telling her “Good for you, but I will NEVER use cloth diapers, the ease of disposable is worth the money”
Fast forward to Fall of 2013, I was pregnant with Kallen and trying to make some decisions. We had been buying a package or two a month of diapers, to stock up, but thinking about adding that cost to our budget was stressful! I started thinking about cloth (and what my friend had previously shown me) again. I posted a status to Facebook, to see what opinions and maybe experiences people had. For the most part it was negative, things like…
“a newborn is enough work, washing diapers is one thing you don’t need to worry about”
“your baby will have way more rashes and you’ll have to change the diaper constantly”
“cloth diapers stink way more and way faster than disposables”
“if you go to x-store or x-store, diapers really aren’t that expensive”
Long story short, I decided not to use cloth, and for 12 months used disposable diapers. I started to find it funny, that a lot of the “bad” things I heard about cloth, weren’t all that different in disposables….i still had to change his diaper frequently (newborns pee and poop ALOT), the diaper pail STUNK, and poop went in my washer every time he blew out his diaper (which he did frequently).
Not long after Kal’s first birthday, I went to MommyCon. While I was there, I was able to visit the Cloth Diaper Resource center and see and feel all the different kinds of diapers available. I also got some great tips from some veteran cloth diapering mamas. At the GroVIa booth, they were kind enough to give me a diaper to take home and try.
I tried it one day, and was super impressed! Not only did it last as long as a disposable, but Kal pooped and I didn’t even smell it! I decided to purchase an inexpensive lot of used diapers, to see if we liked it. I spent $25, the same price I would’ve spent on a box of diapers for 2 weeks.
First Time in Cloth a GroVia Hybrid
We started out just doing cloth at home, if we went out for the day and at night we still used disposable diapers. The more we used the cloth, the more I liked it. We experienced less rashes, less garbage, and the diapers were so cute! So I started looking for more details…what fibers were better for toddlers, what brands did other moms like, how could I make it work on the go etc….and I found some amazing cloth diaper communities online. I have learned a TON from other moms, and love making new “friends”
We now use cloth about 90% of the time. We still mainly use disposable’s at night, and since our stash is still growing, we have to supplement on laundry day or sometimes long trips. I can honestly say, I wish I would’ve been more open and willing to try from the beginning. We are still learning, but its safe to say we LOVE our cloth diapers and will definitely use them for our future babies

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