
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Twenty Months

You guys, how did this squishy little thing
Turn into this crazy, cute toddler??
He is growing waaayyy too fast! But, we are having so much fun watching him learn, and it is so, so nice that he is starting to communicate his needs and wants more. Here is a little about Kallen at..
20 Months
Weighs 25ish lbs and is 32 in tall
Wears: 18-24 months, some 2T fit
Nursing: Kallen is no longer nursing. He self weaned in the middle of September (19.5 months). I miss the snuggles, but we were both ready to be done. After the rough start we had I wasn’t sure I would make it the first 2 weeks, much less 19.5 months.
Likes: Movies, specifically “Stitch”(Lilo and Stitch), “Jack and Sally” (Nightmare Before Christmas), and “Ninions” (Dispicable Me). Playing outside, Baths, and Balls
Dislikes: Not getting his way, he has become a pro Tantrum Thrower
Words: He is constantly talking, even if its just babble and he repeats everything. He says Mama, Daddy, Papa, Grandma, dog, cat, Leo, Bree, Russell, Dal, Kal, baby, ball, cookie, eat, treat, apple, “nanana” (banana), watch, ice, done, Thank You, walk, shoes, Elmo, uh oh, toes, kick, what’s that?, why’d you do that?, and where’d it go?, please, you did it, No, clock, Balloon, Sit, hush, sleepy, night night, bye bye, hi, circle, pumpkin, and spooky
Play: Kallen still loves balls, and carries one with him at all times. He also loves to run around outside and chase the dog. He loves when Daddy tosses him in the air, he will say “three, two, Blastoff!” when he wants to do that. He also loves coloring, and drawing circles
We sure love our busy little boy!

What The Fluff??!

Part I: how we started
I know what you’re thinking…..ugh ANOTHER post about cloth diapers….but hang in there with me!
Flash back to a few years ago, when I was just starting to think about having kids. A good friend of mine had a baby boy, and had decided to Cloth Diaper. When she first told me, I’m sure I rolled my eyes. I pictured cotton flats, rubber pants, and diaper pins. She tried to show me how Modern Cloth was different, and while I looked and “listened”, I remember telling her “Good for you, but I will NEVER use cloth diapers, the ease of disposable is worth the money”
Fast forward to Fall of 2013, I was pregnant with Kallen and trying to make some decisions. We had been buying a package or two a month of diapers, to stock up, but thinking about adding that cost to our budget was stressful! I started thinking about cloth (and what my friend had previously shown me) again. I posted a status to Facebook, to see what opinions and maybe experiences people had. For the most part it was negative, things like…
“a newborn is enough work, washing diapers is one thing you don’t need to worry about”
“your baby will have way more rashes and you’ll have to change the diaper constantly”
“cloth diapers stink way more and way faster than disposables”
“if you go to x-store or x-store, diapers really aren’t that expensive”
Long story short, I decided not to use cloth, and for 12 months used disposable diapers. I started to find it funny, that a lot of the “bad” things I heard about cloth, weren’t all that different in disposables….i still had to change his diaper frequently (newborns pee and poop ALOT), the diaper pail STUNK, and poop went in my washer every time he blew out his diaper (which he did frequently).
Not long after Kal’s first birthday, I went to MommyCon. While I was there, I was able to visit the Cloth Diaper Resource center and see and feel all the different kinds of diapers available. I also got some great tips from some veteran cloth diapering mamas. At the GroVIa booth, they were kind enough to give me a diaper to take home and try.
I tried it one day, and was super impressed! Not only did it last as long as a disposable, but Kal pooped and I didn’t even smell it! I decided to purchase an inexpensive lot of used diapers, to see if we liked it. I spent $25, the same price I would’ve spent on a box of diapers for 2 weeks.
First Time in Cloth a GroVia Hybrid
We started out just doing cloth at home, if we went out for the day and at night we still used disposable diapers. The more we used the cloth, the more I liked it. We experienced less rashes, less garbage, and the diapers were so cute! So I started looking for more details…what fibers were better for toddlers, what brands did other moms like, how could I make it work on the go etc….and I found some amazing cloth diaper communities online. I have learned a TON from other moms, and love making new “friends”
We now use cloth about 90% of the time. We still mainly use disposable’s at night, and since our stash is still growing, we have to supplement on laundry day or sometimes long trips. I can honestly say, I wish I would’ve been more open and willing to try from the beginning. We are still learning, but its safe to say we LOVE our cloth diapers and will definitely use them for our future babies

My Breastfeeding Journey

**This post has been on my mind for a while, I originally wanted to post it during World Breastfeeding Week (last week), but it was a crazy week and I didn’t want to rush through it. But it’s here now, better late than never right?**
Breastfeeding was something I had always planned on, even before I was pregnant. My mom breastfed me, as well as my 4 siblings, for 12 months. To me, it was the “normal” way to feed a baby.
When I found out I was pregnant with Kallen (after waiting 18 looonnngg months) I was SO excited. I read all the articles, blogs, and books out there. I joined mom groups and support groups and eagerly followed all the posts. If nothing else, I was determined to be prepared.
I had heard about breastfeeding struggles, as a matter of fact, my sister, who had a baby just 6 months before me (our babies are exactly 6 months apart-to the day-how fun is that!) had a hard time with breastfeeding. I would also see posts in the groups or read articles like “10 tips for successful breastfeeding” or “how to get on track with breastfeeding”, so obviously it crossed my mind that it was work. BUT surely that wouldn’t happen to me…I was going to be different, because Hello, I read all the things! But, boy, was I in for a long ride….
My labor was long, and hard, but nothing unordinary….I was induced on my due date, a choice I made because my mom could only stay with me for a couple week…but that is a post for another day! I had a plan, I wanted immediate skin to skin and to latch ASAP. Unfortunately, my labor nurse and I butted heads and she wasn’t crazy about this (why? I still cannot figure out). So I didn’t get my skin to skin, he was laid on my chest while Chris cut his cord, but I had a gown on, and that took maybe 30 seconds. After that was done, he was taken to the warmer to be weighed, wiped down, and was brought back to me swaddled. I did not get skin to skin or immediate latch
My first moments with Kallen
My first moments with Kallen
Because of my choice to have an epidural (it may not be for everyone, but I do not regret that AT ALL) I was not able to get up and shower for a couple of hours. I delivered Kal at 5:57 pm, I showered around 8, and finally at 8:30 (almost 3 hours later!!) the nurse suggested I try and nurse him. His first latch was great! The new nurse was so sweet and helped me get him positioned just right, he nursed on both sides for a good 15 minutes. I was SO proud, I knew I could do it, and it was happening!
Fast forward to about 1 am….I was finally coming down from the high that is giving birth and I was exhausted, all I wanted to do was close my eyes. Kallen was sleeping, so I took advantage and fell asleep…when I woke up 3 or 4 hours later, Chris was so excited and proud that, even though it took him an hour, he was able to get Kal back to sleep without waking me. I was grateful for the sleep, and didn’t think much more of it. I nursed Kallen again when I woke up, and I remember he took 1 side, but not the other. Not really knowing what I was doing, I figured it was good enough and all was well.
Around 6 am the nurse came in to check on me and Kallen and asked how things were going. I told her great, because I thought they were. She asked me how he was eating, and I told her he had nursed 2 times in the night. She expressed some concern that it wasn’t more and encouraged me to try every 2 hours, but she didn’t offer any other help or education about it. My mom came up to the hospital around 8, and I told her that I had been trying the every 2 hours thing, but Kallen wasn’t really interested. My mom told me newborns are just sleepy and to keep offering it, which made me feel better. When the nurse came again, she asked all the questions for what felt like the millionth time. When she asked about diapers, I told her Kal had pooped 2 or 3 times, but he had yet to make a wet diaper–with the education I have now, I know this is totally normal, but I was clueless then—when I said this, the nurse got a very concerned look on her face and let me know that this was not okay. Of course, being a first time mom, this made me very nervous and concerned! So my mom helped me express to her my nursing concerns..her solution? A nipple shield and to have him drink 1 oz of formula, “so he would have that wet diaper”. Not knowing any better, I willingly fed the bottle….this is where things went down hill for us…I was not able to get Kallen to latch again while in the hospital and fed him “ready to feed”  2 or 3 more times that day. Never was i offered a latch assessment, a pump, or taught to hand express.
When we got home, my mom encouraged me to start pumping every time he nursed. Thank Goodness for my dear mother, who was one of my biggest supporters on this journey. So I began exclusively pumping. I would pump every 2 hours, while Chris or my Mom would feed Kal. He would get whatever breastmilk I had pumped, supplemented with formula.
On Thursday (4 days after birth) my milk transitioned. HOLY COW-literally. I was so engorged and uncomfortable. I continued to pump every 2 to 3 hours and I would express 10 to 12 oz each feeding. I was feeding Kal and storing in the freezer. And while that was great, I wanted nothing more than for him to latch. I would still try to latch him every hour, but he would root and put his hands to his mouth, and couldn’t seem to be able to find the nipple. I was getting do discouraged. I think I cried more that week, than I ever have. PostPartum Hormones did not help my frustration. I remember asking Chris, in utter desperation, if he would be disappointed in my if I gave up. Of course, he said he supported me no matter what. But I was determined and kept trying.
When Kallen was 1 week old, I made a phone call back to the Mother Baby unit, to see if there was any help for me. They told me that there was a Certified Lactation Consultant there that day, and to come up with a hungry baby. My mom went with me, so she could learn how to better help me. This is the day everything changed. The Lactation Counselor talked calmly with me and assured me I could do this. She showed me some different positioning and helped me latched Kal. She sat with us for an entire hour, while Kallen nursed on both sides. I cried, she cried, my mom cried and for once Kallen didn’t cry during a feeding. She helped me with the shield, and let me know it was okay, that it was better to have him latched with it, than not at all. I saw her 3 more times over the next weeks, and by the time Kal was 3.5 weeks old he was Exclusively Breastfeeding, without a nipple shield. I know 100 %, if it wasn’t for that Lafration Counselor, I would not be nursing Kallen today.
After Kallens first, full feeding, without using the nipple shield
Milk Drunk Kal, after his first full feeding without using the shield
It wasn’t completely smooth sailing from there…because of all the pumping I had done in the beginning, and thinking I needed to pump after every. single. feeding. (totally NOT necessary) I developed oversupply.  Not fun, but we worked through it. Then when Kal was 15 weeks old, I had an IUD put in, and my supply was all but gone, overnight. I still nursed him, but had to supplement with my pumped breastmilk. After 2 weeks, I had the IUD removed, but had to build my supply back up. Finally around 6 months, things were back to where they had been, and from there it’s been wonderful. We’ve been through growth spurts, illness, developmental leaps, and teething. There were SO many nights I just wanted to give up, but I am so glad I didn’t. I was able to Exclusively Breastfeed Kallen for 5 months (until we started solids) and he has continued nursing until now, he is 18 months old. I never imagined I would breastfeed this long, especially in the beginning, I was just happy to make it to the next feeding. It is hard work, but so very worth it.
My first breastfeeding picture, Kallen was 6 months
My first breastfeeding picture, Kallen was 6 months
Now, because of my experience and the joy I found in nursing, I have decided to pursue Lactation Support as a career. I currently work as a WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor, and plan to start school next year for Nursing and my ultimate goal is to become and Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
I have to say, I would not have made it without the support of my amazing husband, mother, friends and fellow nursing moms, and lastly, but certainly not least, my Lactation Counselor. If you know a nursing mom, please encourage and lift her up, you never know how far a little support will go.
I want to hear from you guys! Did/Do you breastfeed? Do you have questions..let me know below!!

Eighteen Months

Kallen is 18 months old! We have a full blown toddler on our hands! I can’t believe how big he is getting and how much he learns everyday.
Here are some things I want to remember about Kallen right now….
Kal weighs 24 ish pounds and is about 30 inches tall (his well check isn’t until the 19th so not positive on these numbers)
Wearing: 12 to 18 and 18 months. Size 5c shoes
Eating: Kallen is an awesome eater! He eats pretty much everything and always is asking for snacks. He loves guacamole, “cookies” (graham crackers), grapes, bananas, apples, chicken, hamburgers, french fries and ice water. He is not a huge fan of green veggies, tomato, and cucumber
wpid-20150629_175355.jpg  wpid-20150710_173723.jpg
Nursing: Kal is still nursing at at bedtime, and sometimes when he wakes up. We had a pretty rough start with nursing, and I didn’t know if I’d ever make it 18 days, much less 18 months. My “goal” was to breastfeed him for 12 months, and I feel so blessed we’ve been able to continue. He is starting to show signs of weaning , so we will see how much longer he wants to nurse
Words: If you know me and Chris, it’s probably no surprise that Kal is quite the talker. He says: Mama, Daddy, Papa, dog, cat, Leo, Bree, Russell, Dal, Kal, baby, ball, cookie, eat, treat, apple, “nanana” (banana), watch, ice, done, Thank You, walk, shoes, Elmo, uh oh, toes, kick, what’s that?, why’d you do that?, and where’d it go? He also signs please, all done, and shakes his head Yes and No. Just this last week he has started repeating things if you ask him to.
Play: Kallen is obsessed with Balls…we have no less than 10 of them and every morning he collects them all. He loves being outside and swinging at the park. We’ve been swimming a few times this summer and he has enjoyed that too. He started climbing this last month, and gives me mini heart attacks all day long. He is VERY busy and does not stop playing and getting into things, unless he is asleep.

Sleep: Kal transitioned to 1 nap right after his 1st birthday. He usually goes down after lunch and will sleep for 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the day. He still isn’t a great nighttime sleeper, but it’s getting better. We start our bedtime routine (bath, brush teeth, read book, kisses, prayers, and a couple songs) about 8 and he is usually asleep by 830/845. He usually wakes up once around 4 or 5 and gets in our bed and will go back to sleep until 7 or 730
Being the mom of a toddler is exhausting, trying, and an absolute blast. I love spending my days with Kal and love watching him learn and grow. Can’t wait for all the adventures to come!

Saturday Sayings

*Saturdays are busy around here, we try and get all our errands done, house and yard work finished, and spend family time together. I won’t always be able to post on Saturdays, but I will always share one of my favorite sayings or quotes with you.*
For my first ‘Saturday Sayings’ I am sharing one of my most favorite mantras.
In all things, life is sweet