
Friday, January 9, 2015

The days are long...

Today was one of the longest days we've had in a while. Kallen and I both have nasty colds and there is a mountain of tissues quickly growing in my living room, along with the mess I've been too lazy to clean up. Because of said cold, Kal has a sore throat and only wants to we are back in newborn mode eating every 3 hours and momma's nipples are feeling it. Oh and neither of us can breathe well enough to sleep. To top it all off we've had wind chills of -5 to -10 the last few days and both of us have cabin fever. I was about ready to pull my hair out...
But then tonight as I was cooking dinner, I looked in the living room and saw my sweet and busy baby STANDING all by himself. And I realized my days with a baby are quickly turning into days with a toddler, and while I am sooooo excited for new developments, I'm gonna miss all the sweet baby things. And before I know it
he'll be off to his first day of kindergarten, dating (yikes), going on a mission, and someday, rocking a baby of his own.
So tonight as I rocked my baby to sleep I took it all in...The smell, the deep, heavy breaths, the way his mouth stays wide open even when the binki falls out. And I was reminded of how very lucky and blessed I am to be called mamma. So from now on when I have days like today I'll try hard to remember "the days may be long, but the years are all too short."
Collage 2015-01-08 22_39_10

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