These are technically a couple of weeks late, but we did haven't our well check a couple weeks after Kal's birthday. I am also still waiting for his 1 year pics, but as soon as I have them, you know you will see them!
Kal at 12 months….
Size: 30.5 inches tall and 22 lbs. Kallen is wearing mostly 12-18 month clothes. A few of the bigger 12 month outfits still fit, but are starting to get short. He wears size 4 shoes and we are about to make the move up to size 4 diapers (or maybe cloth, but that's a post for another day). He is constantly pulling his socks off, so we usually only put them on if we are going out. He is not a huge fan of hats, but will tolerate them when we are outside.
Food: Kal really isn't picky when it comes to eating. He will try anything and likes, almost everything. For breakfast he usually has oatmeal, scrambled eggs, or pancakes with some fruit. For Lunch he will eat leftovers from the night before, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, chicken fingers, or a PB&J. For Dinner he eats whatever we are eating, if he is being picky and doesn't like what we are eating, he will have a PB&J or Grilled Cheese. We are still breastfeeding and he nurses 3 or 4 times a day, usually when he wakes up, with both naps, and at bed time.
Words/Developmental: Mama, Dada, Whats that?, Eye, Bless You, Cheese, Bite, and sometimes Thank You. He babbles in his own little language all day long. He started walking the last week of January and is now into everything! He is starting to recognize people and can "find" someone if you ask him to. Chris gave him his first haircut this month, and it was like he instantly turned into a big boy. We just loaded his high chair tray with goldfish and he sat surprisingly still.
We have a pretty solid bedtime routine (bath, brush teeth,read book, give kisses, nurse, sing songs, lay down) He either nurses to sleep or puts himself to sleep after we sing. He finally started sleeping 7 hour stretches this month, and it has been fabulous! He is also developing quite the personality and loves to make us laugh by fake laughing, pulling a cheeser face, playing peek a boo, or repeating anything that we may have laughed at. He loves playing with daddy and getting tossed up in the air or riding on Chris's shoulders.
Favorites: TV Remotes, Leo (our dog), Opening/Closing Doors, Putting things in and taking things out of drawers and boxes, Fantasia (only movie he sat for more than 15 minutes), and Dancing to music
I cannot believe that my baby is ONE! It seems like over night he has turned into a toddler. He is learning SO much everyday and it is so fun to watch him grow!
A look back at his year...